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Deloitte ES Gobierno Corporativo – Mujeres – Consejo – Administración – Mujeres por Ecuador
Research methodology
The global, regional, and country analysis are based on a dataset covering nearly 7,000 companies in 44 countries—more than 72,000 directorships—spanning Asia Pacific, the Americas, and EMEA, unless otherwise noted. Only active directorships and committee memberships were considered in the analysis. To supplement this data, Deloitte Global compiled information about diversity quotas and other board diversity initiatives from 20 additional countries. In total, the publication explores the efforts of 64 countries to promote boardroom gender diversity. Refer to page 8 for a listing of countries covered in this publication.
Statistics defined
Total companies analyzed:  The company sample size for each country profile’s analysis.
Percentage of board seats held by women: Calculated by dividing the number of board seats held by women by the total number of board seats in a given sample. The same logic applies for the percentage of board chairs that are women, CEOs that are women , and for the statistics provided for committees.
Women on boards: Denotes the total number of women holding directorships in a given country based on available data. Because a particular woman may hold more than one board seat across multiple companies, this number may be less than the total number of board seats held by women.
Stretch factor: Calculated by dividing the number of board seats occupied by women in a given country by the total number of women on boards in that particular country. The higher the stretch factor, the greater the number of board seats occupied by the same woman director in a given country. A stretch factor of 1 indicates that all board seats in a given sample are held by different women.
Women on boards with female/male CEO:
Denotes the percentage of board seats held by women in companies with a female CEO versus the  percentage of board seats held by women in companies with a male CEO.
Women on boards with female/male chair: Denotes the percentage of board seats held by women in companies with a female chair versus the percentage of board seats held by women in companies with a male chair.

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